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San Jose

Saturday, February 16th, 2013

Our first stop was the ATM. We used our bank cards to get colones. It took a couple of tries to figure out the exchange rate but we managed. There are about 500 colones to the dollar, and we just didn’t get the decimal in the right place the first time. 

The sidewalks are narrow, not always even, and occasionally there is a tree growing right in the middle od the sidewalk. The gutters at huge and I expect in the rainy season it is probably necessary. It is Valentine’s Day even here in Costa Rica and there were a lor of flowers and cakes being sold. There were a large number od street vendors hawking roses, some standing in the middle of the street selling to motorists.

The pedestrian only street of Central Avenue was teeming with people; working people going home, kids out of school, and people hanging out in the plaza in front of the church. We found Spoon and our waiter Luis took care of us. Between the photos of the food in the menu, our little bit of Spanish, and his little bit of English we managed to have a decent meal.

The restaurants here are all function and no form. There’s probably not even a scale for ambience, or, if there is, most marks are very low. Spoon didn’t look like much but the food was good and the place was busy. The pastry counter sold at least three cakes during out time at dinner and a good number of other things.

Ricardo told us that the Costa Rican people are friendly and helpful and we found that to be true when we asked for directions. People are willing to help, sometimes shy about speaking English, and always ending the conversation with “con mucho gusto” which means “with much pleasure”. 

We found our way to the Central Market and found a large number of sodas (small food counters – Costa Rica is full of these), meat and vegetable sellers and a bunch of tourist knick knack junk. There was also a pet store that had chicks for sale, a couple of roosters, a lot of rabbits, and two puppies. 

We found a pastry shop (our first of many) and munched on a sweet on our walk back to the hotel. 

Hitchhike Point

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

About this time last year I was preparing for my first 5K. Using I plotted routes, checked my pedometer to the calculated mileage on RunKeeper, and got accustom to walking more than three miles. There was often a point in my walk I called the “hitchhike point”. It’s that point where I was plum tuckered out and really wanted to stick my thumb out for a ride home.

Today, for the first time this season, I walked that same route from last year and to my surprise, the hitchhike point never came. I was tired, sure, and hot, especially on an 83 degree sunny day, but I never wanted to hitch a ride.

This is day 20 out of the last 21 I’ve walked. My goal for the month of March was to walk every day at least a mile, preferably outside. Last year’s goal was 40 miles per month and I think I made that goal only once. I’m on track to hit 40 this month with just under 33 with today’s outing.

10 enero – Small Successes

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012

I got online at Vida Verde today and caught up a bit. Unlikely that I will haul my computer with me every day so the updates will become less frequent. I’m navigating fine through the city, albeit in a small. Close to the school and host family home neighborhood. I haven’t made it to any of the suggested attractions yet.

I did get to the post office today. It was one of those moments of hilarity for me. I asked Martha where the post office was on the map and successfully navigated myself there. Standing on the corner for about five minutes, I looked down the street left, down the street right, across the street and just couldn’t see it. I looked for a flag, wondered what the words “post office” would be in Spanish, and just when I thought I might give up, I turned around and there it was, behind me. I laughed out loud. Big success … still having my sense of humor!

10 enero – Spanish School

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012

Martha seems to know just when to switch it up. We work a little bit on verbs, switch to vocabulary all the while working on pronunciation. She agrees that patience is very important. We spent a considerable amount of time on ser/estar, the “to be” verbs today. Although it seems like my vocabulary and pronunciation are improving a little bit, it’s mostly seeing the words in writing that helps. I still don’t have much confidence in my ability to actually hear and understand a sentence from a native speaker or conjugate a verb. Time will tell.

Part of my homework today was to take five or six given words and organize them into a sentence. We’ll see tomorrow, but I think I was able to do that with nine of the ten. That’s a step forward for me. I wasn’t able to do that before I came here. Celebrating those small successes when I can!

Medora Musical

Thursday, August 25th, 2011

A dozen Burning Hills Singer perform country songs at the outdoor Burning Hills Amphitheatre, that seats over 2,800. The facility is stunning, requiring a long drive uphill and an escalator down the side of a hill to the seating area.

The Old West facade and live country band are the backdrop for the 90 minute performance. The singers are led by vocalist and MC, Emily Walter. The cast made several costume changes and, at one point, came out in tap shoe cowboy boots and western fringe that glowed in the dark!

Also included in the evening’s performance was a tribute to Teddy Roosevelt and, at one point, a re-enactment of the charge up San Juan Hill in Cuba, which seemed out of place.

The guest performers for the evening were an acrobatic trio, performing on a trapeze and rope, along with a bit of juggling. At least five live horses were also used throughout the performance, pulling in a stage coach to drop off performers or ride through “town” kicking up dust. At one point the performers rode in on an old pick up truck for the tribute to the working man, a medley of songs about hard working men including farmers.

The evening’s performance ended with a fanfare of streamers and a burst of fireworks that lit up the big night sky.


Sunday, January 17th, 2010

Thursday I went to the Distinguished Lecture at the Michigan Theater. Each Thursday of the U of M school year the School of Art and Design hosts a distinguished lecturer for the A&D students. These lectures are free and open to the public – sponsored by a number of folks with the main benefactor being Penny Stamps. The lectures are always interesting, sometimes thought provoking and usually inspiring.

January 14’s lecture was about sound. Stephanie Rowden is a local gal who is working in sound, both in installations and on the radio. If you listen to Michigan Radio, our NPR station, she’s part of the “Sounds of the State” project they’ve been running for several months. She’s also got a website with these 20 second clips. ( She played lots of clips from many projects she’s worked on. There were two that I thought were quite fun.

One of the “Sounds of the State” was a clip recorded and submitted by a police officer on the west side of the state. While on duty, he recorded the Amtrak passenger train going through is town on the way to Kalamazoo. In his email he stated he was on duty and that the train was going slower that day. He knows because he measured its speed with his radar gun!

She also played a 2:30 minute clip she did with a couple of young girls. They went to a bicycle store and rang the bells on the bikes, talked about the sounds, imitated the sounds, and, at one point caught the attention of the old man running the store. He promptly kicked them out after inquiring about their project. Then the girls recorded their thoughts on him saying “He’s crabby”, “He didn’t get his eight hours of sleep”, “They should fire him”. Stephanie summed up the experience by saying something like “Things usually don’t go as planned. And when they don’t something wonderful happens.”

I hope something wonderful happens with you this week.

New Year’s Resolutions – Part Two

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

In my post last week I forgot to mention the strategy a couple of my friends use. Instead of specific resolutions, they pick a theme for the year. So, for instance, one friend is intent on “Connecting” more this year (in fact, more than one friend). For another, this is the year of “Finesse”.

Just more food for thought in your quest for changing something in your life this year.