Coconut Rice

Pam/ October 27, 2017/ Cooking, India, Travel

Our flat mate Lally left for England this morning so last night was our last meal the three of us shared. Aneeta outdid herself and made coconut rice, which was extra delicious. We took this photo of the four of us using the 10 second timer, which Aneeta couldn’t seem to wrap her brain around. We all like it so

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The Five Senses – Smell

Pam/ October 16, 2017/ Cooking, India, Travel

I thought I would write some of my general impressions of India through the lens of the senses. There are so many differences between this country and mine. It is hard to know where to start. I will start with smells. When there are as many people in one place as there are here, it takes some doing to move

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German Bakery

Pam/ October 8, 2017/ Cooking, India

After a shopping trip this afternoon we stopped at the German Bakery. I’ve heard and read about this place and it did not disappoint. I love baked goods, love to bake (how do people LIVE WITHOUT AN OVEN?!) so it was such a pleasure to savor the Apple Spice Muffin. It did not disappoint! Yum!!

Our cook, Anita

Pam/ October 3, 2017/ Cooking, India, Yoga

Yesterday we met the woman who will come in and cook for us. Her name is Anita and for 1,000 rupes each for the month she will come to our flat and cook whatever vegetables we buy. She’ll also make bread and chai and more. Tonight will be our first meal cooked by her. Anita took stock of what we

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Dinner at Rip Jack

Pam/ February 28, 2013/ Cooking, Travel

The food at Rip Jack is delicious. I went back in the evening after watching the sunset, for dinner. I had the mahi mahi with some sort of mango and wine sauce that was terrific. I think I need to add “sauces” as my next cooking goal. I splurged and got a flour less chocolate cake for dessert that was

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The Power of Brownies

Pam/ February 26, 2010/ Around Ann Arbor, Cooking, Fun Stuff

It’s been snowy this week here in Ann Arbor … it’s beginning to look (and feel) a lot like Fargo. Monday’s snow was heavy and deep – 10 inches worth. I shoveled a little, took a break, shoveled some more, took a break. Howard, my next door neighbor has a snow blower. He did about 15 feet of my sidewalk

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Just Desserts

Pam/ April 15, 2009/ Around Ann Arbor, Cooking

The Ann Arbor Library does a terrific job at having programs. Tonight I went to the Multi-Purpose Room in the basement of the downtown library for Just Desserts with Chef Isabella Nicoletti. Chef Isabella cooks at Paesano’s on Washtenaw Avenue in Ann Arbor. She is Italian and has been in the USA for about 14 years. When she came to

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Stephanie Izard

Pam/ March 15, 2009/ Around Ann Arbor, Cooking

Stephanie Izard, winner of Top Chef Season Four, gave a cooking demonstration at the Ann Arbor Library. The room was packed with over 150 people and there were 170 up on the third floor viewing the demo via live feed. She has a winning smile, was very personable, and answered questions the crowd asked. Although she shared what she made,

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Gypsy Stew

Pam/ November 27, 2008/ Cooking

Suzanne’s Vegetarian Gypsy Stew (Based on Moosewood’s Gypsy Soup) Serves 6 Ingredients 3 Tablespoon Olive Oil 2 cups chopped onions 4 cloves of crushed garlic 1 cup chopped celery 3 cups peeled/cubed sweet potatoes or winter squash 2 Tablespoons tamari (or soy sauce) 1 Tablespoon tumeric 1 Tablespoon basil 2 teaspoons paprika 1 bay leaf Dash of cinnamon Dash of

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Moroccan-Spiced Tomato Chicken with Almonds

Pam/ August 25, 2008/ Cooking

This summer I’ve tried a few new recipes in the slow cooker. I like cooking in the crock pot for a couple of reasons: there’s not much fuss and it doesn’t heat up the house. Plus, it smells pretty good as the spices and flavors cook over time. This past weekend I made Moroccan-Spiced Tomato Chicken with Almonds from the

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