Humayum’s Tomb

Pam/ September 30, 2017/ India, Uncategorized

Humayum was the last mohgul leader and his wife built this tomb in red sandstone and marble. It has the same architectural elements of the Taj Mahal and other tombs. I think there are about 100 people buried here. This is our day on the tour and, as it goes, I get pretty saturated. The history is long and the

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Sikh Place of Worship

Pam/ September 30, 2017/ India

The second highlight of the day was learning about the Sikh religion. There are five “Ks” in this practice. Kesh, which is long hair. These people never cut their hair, shave or wax any part of their body. They often wear a turban with all their hair in a bun under the turban. Kachh, cotton underwear, worn because in early

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Rickshaw ride, the highlight of the day

Pam/ September 30, 2017/ India

Each morning once our group boards the coach our tour manager, Mansi, reviews the agenda for the day.linig up the schedule she told us there would be two highlights of the day. The first, a rickshaw ride through the market. The streets are chaos, especially as they narrow. Buses, four wheelers, two wheelers, rickshaws, autorickshaws, carts, donkeys, bikes, motorcycles and

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Jama Majid – Friday Mosque

Pam/ September 30, 2017/ Uncategorized

Our Delhi siteseeing started with a trip to a mosque. A part of Delhi has a high percentage of Muslims and the mosque can accommodate 25,000 people at a time. There are a number of sets (35 or so) up to the entrance where all of the women in a our group had to don robes. Any men wearing shorts

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Monkeys DO love bananas

Pam/ September 28, 2017/ India

From Jaipur we headed down the highway (three lanes separated with white lines!) for Delhi. Along the route the driver pulled over when he saw a banana cart and monkeys at the side of the road. We hopped the barrier and Mansi bought bananas from the vendor so we could feed them and get photos. At least three of them

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Jaipur – City Palace and Museum

Pam/ September 28, 2017/ India

Adjacent to the observatory is the City Palace and museum. The architecture is similar to much of the other buildings we have seen. The work is impressive; beautiful colors, arches and courtyards. The eighteen year old king lives here and the flag was up indicating he was home. We didn’t get to visit with him. Apparently he is quite shy.

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Jaipur – Jantar Mantar

Pam/ September 28, 2017/ India

Jantar Mantar is an observatory started by Jai Singh, the founder of Jaipur, in 1728. Jai Singh was a fan of city planning and war in addition to astronomy. One instrument is a sun dial and another calculates the time of year displaying the current astrological sign. During his reign four other observatories were constructed, this one is in the

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Jaipur – textiles

Pam/ September 28, 2017/ India

We stopped at a textile place where we saw rugs being made by hand. They make rugs from cashmere, camel hair and silk. After the demonstration by the looms we were escorted into a show room with soft cushy stools, served fritters, grilled cheese sandwich snacks and rum and coke. The rugs were rolled out, some of each kind in

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Jaipur The Wind Palace

Pam/ September 28, 2017/ India

Jaipur is divided into the new city and the old city. The old city is a walled city with seven entrances and is painted a terra-cotta color. The nickname of this city is “Pink City” because in 1876 the Prince of Wales visited and it is said pink was his favorite color. So, they painted the city pink. Afterwards the

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Step Well

Pam/ September 28, 2017/ India

The step well is one of the oldest in Rajasthan, this part of India, and dates back to the 8th and 9th centuries. The step well is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a reservoir for water in the dessert like part of the country. Almost 20 meters deep there are steps on three sides of the well perfectly constructed,

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