Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Minimalist Game Day 16

Friday, February 16th, 2018

Nine books, three pairs of socks, an old A/C cover and two old file folders of papers shredded. #minsgame

Minimalist Game Day 14 (happy Valentine’s Day)

Wednesday, February 14th, 2018

Two hats (one cap, one vintage), two boxes, one pair of shoes, goggles, rain coat, hair tie, antenna, five bags/purses all from the front door closet.

Minimalist Game Day Ten

Saturday, February 10th, 2018

Between moving snow and working on my latest photo project, I poked around the kitchen for more things that don’t add value to my life. Broiler pan, two large serving plates, my first piece of pottery, a kitchen utensil, a class top for a pyrex that I think got purged last year, rice maker (barely used). #minsgame

Minimalism Game Day Seven

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018

A bag of misc: two shirts, a pair of pjs, a bowl, toe socks, a plastic file folder and an old Camelbak bladder. #minsgame

Minimalist Game Day Six

Tuesday, February 6th, 2018

Sushi kit and some sushi rice, salt and pepper shakers, a jelly jar (homemade … it was delicious) and a small bowl. #minsgame

Minimalist Game Day Five

Monday, February 5th, 2018

More food from the kitchen cupboards.

Minimalist Game Day Four

Sunday, February 4th, 2018

Still in the kitchen; tea, egg noodles, apple butter and Lara Bites (a treat which I try and try and try as I might but just don’t like. I like the protein bites I make much better). #minsgame

Minimalist Game Day Three

Saturday, February 3rd, 2018

Three expired food items (and more to come in the upcoming days).

Minimalist Game: Day One

Thursday, February 1st, 2018

It’s that time again. Each February I play the Minimalist Game, getting rid on one thing on the first of the month, two things on the second of the month, and so on. Happy to have you play along.

Just because something doesn’t add value to my life, it doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t add value to your life. I’m happy to have my stuff become YOUR stuff. Just comment or PM me.

If you were the kind person who brought this bottle to my place for some social occasion I appreciate your contribution. I just do not like Chardonnay. Any takers?

Cooking Demonstration

Friday, October 13th, 2017

Last night we watched Aneeta make our evening meal. She is amazing to be able to take whatever vegetable we buy and make it into something delicious with just two burners and a couple of well used knives.

She started the chai (which she makes for us and for herself every night) and the rice. While they were on the burners she started preparing the carrots and beans. These were the longest beans I have ever seen, at least a foot long.

One the chai was done she put another pan on that burner, warmed it and put oil in. She added the garlic, onion, and spices, let that cook a while, then added the carrots and finally the cut into inch pieces beans. She adds fresh leafy coriander at the last minute.

The real fun, though, is to watch her make chipati, the flat bread that comes with every meal. A teaspoon of salt (or so), a cup of flour (or so, she does not use any measuring devices) and water make the dough. She divides it into walnut sized balls and then assembly line style rolls and cooks them in a pan. Each side is in the pan about 10 seconds and then she takes the piece of bread out of the pan, the pan off the fire, and puts the piece of bread right on the flame. It expands into a sort of balloon!