Letter Writing Month

Pam/ April 5, 2010/ Blogroll, Random Thoughts

April is National Card and Letter Writing Month and I just finished writing my first card/letter of the month. Writing a letter a week is one of my New Year’s Resolutions so, I’ve been writing them every week this year. National Card and Letter Writing Month is an annual effort to promote literacy and to celebrate the art of letter

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New Year’s Resolutions – An Update

Pam/ March 5, 2010/ Blogroll, Random Thoughts, Yoga

So far so good on my new year’s resolutions. We are two months into the new year and, for the most part, I am managing to: *Walk three times a week *Write a letter a week *Blog once a week *Making progress towards passing assessment Passing assessment is a long term goal requiring quite a bit of work. Two things

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More Aphorisms

Pam/ February 17, 2010/ Blogroll, Fun Stuff, Random Thoughts

I have been telling my “aphorism story” over and over since my experience at the Penny Stamps Lecture last Thursday. Have also been searching out different aphorisms. Here are a few that I ran across today while looking for something completely different/unrelated! Enjoy! ~Besides the noble art of getting things done, master the noble art of leaving things undone. The

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Micro-Lending at globalgiving.com

Pam/ November 10, 2008/ Blogroll

Not too long ago the book club I belong to read Banker to the Poor. The author, Muhammad Yunus, witnessed the cycle of poverty and did something to reverse that cycle. He loaned money, small amounts and specifically to woman, to help them start a business and improve their lives. His bank was wildly successful and this idea of micro-lending

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Another Quote

Pam/ October 8, 2008/ Blogroll, Yoga

Here’s another quote from my assessment journal. “If you’re able to be yourself, then you have no competition. All you have to do is get closer and closer to that essence”. Barbara Cook. I don’t know who Barbara Cook is, but she could be a yogi. That’s what this yogic journey is about … it’s about self realization, about finding

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