The Five Senses – Sight

Pam/ October 17, 2017/ India, Random Thoughts

I thought I would write some of my general impressions of India through the lens of the senses. There are so many differences between this country and mine. I think what I see shows me some of the major differences. There are people everywhere. India is the seventh largest country by area, second most populous county and the most populous

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The Five Senses – Touch

Pam/ October 17, 2017/ India, Random Thoughts

I thought I would write some of my general impressions of India through the lens of the senses. There are so many differences between this country and mine. Here are some of the things I have felt. First, the heat. I know I am not very heat tolerant so I knew being in India where the low might get to

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The Five Senses – Sound

Pam/ October 17, 2017/ India, Random Thoughts

I thought I would write some of my general impressions of India through the lens of the senses. There are so many differences between this country and mine. Here are some of the things I have heard. The most prominent sound in India is the traffic. Not just the roar of the engines, but the honking. Loud long beeps from

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Swimming with the Turtles

Pam/ March 8, 2014/ Barbados, Random Thoughts, Travel

During our walks on the beach we occasionally see a turtle poke his head up out of the water. There are organized tours that will take you “swimming with the turtles”. Today, I swam with turtles on my own! I was floating out in the salty water of the Caribbean and all of a sudden, a turtle was in front

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Random Thoughts

Pam/ March 8, 2014/ Barbados, Random Thoughts, Travel

Like Costa Rica, there is a sense of formal dress in service workers. The gas stations are full service and the attendants look snappy in their uniforms. In fact, all of the uniforms (servers, tour guides, parks) are nice looking. This isn’t 100%across the board. The “guide” at the sea-cave was just dressed in a t-shirt. The homes in Barbados

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Minimalist Game -February

Pam/ February 27, 2014/ Around Ann Arbor, Minimalism, Random Thoughts

After reading “Everything That Remains” I became inspired to reduce the number of items in my house. “Everything That Remains” chronicles the journey the authors, Joshua and Ryan, made to becoming minimalists. It’s not a “how to” book but more of a “why” to book. On their website there are some examples of the things they tried when making the

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Pam/ February 28, 2013/ Random Thoughts

As we age and experience more in life it is harder and harder to have new experiences. This trip was full of delightful firsts. Here is a list: First cup of coffee First hanging bridges walk First guided tour First hummingbird sitting on my finger First Tucan in the wild First time seeing monkeys in the wild First night hike

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Costa Rica and Ecuador -compare and contrast

Pam/ February 26, 2013/ Random Thoughts, Travel

Some of you have asked me about the way people live here compared to Ecuador, the prices of things, and the amount of English spoken. So, here are some of my thoughts. Ecuador and Costa Rica have some major similarities. Both countries have a “back in time” feel. There is a disregard for safety, although, there is more safety protocol

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Transitioning to a new place

Pam/ February 21, 2013/ Random Thoughts, Travel

Hotel Brasilito is right on the beach on the corner of the main drag to the beach. There is an open air restaurant, a patio with chairs, tables and a couple of hammocks. it is a great place to sit, see the horsecack riders come and go, the ATV riders comes and to, and at about 6 pm watch the

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Pam/ February 19, 2013/ Random Thoughts, Travel

I can’t say enough good things about Ricardo. He was caring, tuned in, knowledgable, inclusive, kind, never tired, all with a good sense of humor. When we asked him a question he wasn’t sure about, he looked it up. There were so many great things about this week and he tops the list. I wold come back to Costa Rica

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