The Power of Brownies

Pam/ February 26, 2010/ Around Ann Arbor, Cooking, Fun Stuff

It’s been snowy this week here in Ann Arbor … it’s beginning to look (and feel) a lot like Fargo. Monday’s snow was heavy and deep – 10 inches worth. I shoveled a little, took a break, shoveled some more, took a break. Howard, my next door neighbor has a snow blower. He did about 15 feet of my sidewalk

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More Aphorisms

Pam/ February 17, 2010/ Blogroll, Fun Stuff, Random Thoughts

I have been telling my “aphorism story” over and over since my experience at the Penny Stamps Lecture last Thursday. Have also been searching out different aphorisms. Here are a few that I ran across today while looking for something completely different/unrelated! Enjoy! ~Besides the noble art of getting things done, master the noble art of leaving things undone. The

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Random Observations

Pam/ February 14, 2010/ Around Ann Arbor

One of my new year’s resolutions was to walk/bike three times a week. I’ve been doing that at the Ann Arbor YMCA and on my way around the track I’ve observed my fellow walkers/runners … and then some. Here are some random thoughts/observations. ~Interesting to watch the different ways people run. Some on their toes, one barefoot, one in stocking

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Pam/ February 12, 2010/ Around Ann Arbor

James Geary is a writer/journalist, American born, living in London. Actually, he calls himself an aphorist. He spoke on aphorisms and was quite entertaining. He seemed quite comfortable on stage and is a good presenter. He’s obviously done this before. He talked about aphorisms, what they are, what they aren’t, and quoted some examples along the way. While on stage,

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Pam/ February 6, 2010/ Around Ann Arbor

Last night I went to the library to hear Ben Huh speak. Ben is founder of and He did a nice job at explaining this (apparent) phenomenon of and I didn’t really get it before his talk (I’m not a fan) and at least intellectually got it after his talk. Pictures of cats with misspelled captions

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The Girl Who Played with Fire

Pam/ February 6, 2010/ Books

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was hard to get into and then, when I finally finished, I didn’t like any of the characters. It’s one of those books (and apparently series) that has caught the attention of readers … and I can’t quite understand it. My book discussion group read Dragon and, in March, will be discussing Fire. I

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