
Last night I went to the library to hear Ben Huh speak. Ben is founder of failblog.org and icanhascheezburger.com. He did a nice job at explaining this (apparent) phenomenon of icanhascheezburger.com and failblog.org. I didn’t really get it before his talk (I’m not a fan) and at least intellectually got it after his talk. Pictures of cats with misspelled captions still just don’t tickle my funny bone. He gave a short presentation with a slide show and then took questions from the audience. His mission is to make the Internet laugh for five minutes a day. His mission for the evening was to explain his success, humor, history of lolcats, and what a meme is. It was a great hour.

The library does a nice job at these things and even videotapes them for viewing on their website (www.aadl.org) at a later time. I feel really lucky to live in a town where the library plans and executes really cool, interesting events like these.

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