Gypsy Stew

Pam/ November 27, 2008/ Cooking

Suzanne’s Vegetarian Gypsy Stew (Based on Moosewood’s Gypsy Soup) Serves 6 Ingredients 3 Tablespoon Olive Oil 2 cups chopped onions 4 cloves of crushed garlic 1 cup chopped celery 3 cups peeled/cubed sweet potatoes or winter squash 2 Tablespoons tamari (or soy sauce) 1 Tablespoon tumeric 1 Tablespoon basil 2 teaspoons paprika 1 bay leaf Dash of cinnamon Dash of

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Review of Chequers, Saugatuck, Mi

Pam/ November 21, 2008/ Travel

By Guest Blogger, Bev Gengler A few weeks ago my friends and I went to Saugatuck for a weekend getaway. We stayed at the Ship ‘n Shore Motel conveniently located in town within walking distance to the shopping and restaurants district. It was a fabulous day of walking, eating, browsing, photographing, walking the shoreline of Oval Beach, playing cards, talking,

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Theme a Month

Pam/ November 10, 2008/ Photography, Travel

The online photo group I belong to (Photo a Week) has started something new … Theme a Month. November’s theme is Uniformity. I started shooting two weekends ago and got a few shots while in Saugatuck. My photo buddy, Bev, has also joined and as we wandered the town shooting we were digging the assignment. To see what’s there for

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Snow and Sun

Pam/ November 10, 2008/ Random Thoughts

It snowed Sunday night and stuck around all day today. It was cold and dreary … those gray miserable clouds hanging around all day denying the sun any face time. Not looking forward to all those winter days strung one after another for the next few months. More than anything, I miss the sunshine.

Micro-Lending at

Pam/ November 10, 2008/ Blogroll

Not too long ago the book club I belong to read Banker to the Poor. The author, Muhammad Yunus, witnessed the cycle of poverty and did something to reverse that cycle. He loaned money, small amounts and specifically to woman, to help them start a business and improve their lives. His bank was wildly successful and this idea of micro-lending

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Ten Commandments – Here they are!

Pam/ November 2, 2008/ Random Thoughts

At lunch the other day, we remembered seven of the ten commandments. Here are all ten: One: I am the Lord your God and you shall have no other gods before me. Two: You shall not take God’s name in vain. Three: Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Four: Honor your father and mother Five: Thou shall not murder

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