Badge of Honor

Pam/ March 24, 2010/ Random Thoughts

My next door neighbor is 92 and it comes up in conversation with her. This statement, “I’m 92 and … ” (there is a wide variety of topics with which she fills in the blank), got me thinking about age. Recently I goofed at work. Being the editor of our internal monthly newsletter, I publish the birthdays each issue …

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Free Cone Day

Pam/ March 23, 2010/ Around Ann Arbor, Fun Stuff

Another sign of spring … free ice cream! It’s free cone day at Ben and Jerry’s. Go to their website to see if there’s one near you.


Pam/ March 21, 2010/ Random Thoughts, TV

I’ve been numbing myself with TV lately. I love watching my shows On Demand – no commercials and I can watch them whenever I want to. I usually catch up on the weekends since the week nights are busy. There are some shows I wish Comcast would add to the On Demand menu, just because it’s comfortable to watch TV

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Pam/ March 19, 2010/ Random Thoughts

A coworker described me as “quirky” this week … as in “Have you ever thought of dating him? I like him and I like you. He’s quirky and you’re quirky.” That’s the first time “quirky” has been the match making criteria (when it has pertained to me as being one of the potential matches – and no, I wasn’t interested).

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Pam/ March 17, 2010/ Around Ann Arbor, Random Thoughts

The other harbinger of spring came rolling into work yesterday … a motorcycle. You know warmer temps are here when the second shifters ride in on their Harley Davidson motorcycles. Just one, so far. More to come, I’m sure.

Recent Movies

Pam/ March 6, 2010/ Movies

Watched two movies on DVD last night and that got me thinking of the movies I’ve seen lately. Movies that make me think and spark conversation are ones I like the best. 1. Up in the Air – Saw this on my birthday with friends and we all liked it. Had a few issues to discuss – honesty, job/career choices,

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New Year’s Resolutions – An Update

Pam/ March 5, 2010/ Blogroll, Random Thoughts, Yoga

So far so good on my new year’s resolutions. We are two months into the new year and, for the most part, I am managing to: *Walk three times a week *Write a letter a week *Blog once a week *Making progress towards passing assessment Passing assessment is a long term goal requiring quite a bit of work. Two things

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Pam/ March 5, 2010/ Around Ann Arbor, Random Thoughts

The harbinger of spring was spotted in my front yard today. It has been sunny, warmer and there’s a smell of spring in the air. Just sixteen more days until spring officially arrives!