Badge of Honor

My next door neighbor is 92 and it comes up in conversation with her. This statement, “I’m 92 and … ” (there is a wide variety of topics with which she fills in the blank), got me thinking about age.

Recently I goofed at work. Being the editor of our internal monthly newsletter, I publish the birthdays each issue … without the year. In March, I forgot to take off the year. I’ve been doing the newsletter for decades and get very little feedback. Boy, did I hear from the March birthdays! Some of them were NOT happy about their ages being revealed. That also got me thinking about age.

In January, I volunteered to spend an afternoon with a Girl Scout Troupe. One of the scouts was turning 10. It was a big deal … double digits. She was proudly sharing her age.

So I wonder … when is it that some of us become secretive about our age? We proudly announce we are 10 and 92 … but somewhere in the middle some people become sensitive to aging.

How old are you and why would you share (or not) that number?

One Response to “Badge of Honor”

  1. Elizabeth says:

    I think it is an East versus West thing. There seems to be this shame to aging in the West – like somehow our bodies have failed us. Eastern cultures have historically respected the elders – the older you are the wiser. Also culturally in the East asking someone how old they are is an accepted practice. Not so here. I for one have never understood wanting to be older when we are young, and pretending to be younger as we age. I do not lie about my age – every year is hard earned.