
A coworker described me as “quirky” this week … as in “Have you ever thought of dating him? I like him and I like you. He’s quirky and you’re quirky.” That’s the first time “quirky” has been the match making criteria (when it has pertained to me as being one of the potential matches – and no, I wasn’t interested).

So, I looked up quirky in the thesaurus. Here are the results.
Definition: Eccentric. Quirky means strikingly unconventional or given to idiosyncrasies
Synonyms: bizarre, far out, freakish, freaky, idiosyncratic, in left field, kinky, odd, off-the-wall, out of the ordinary, outre, peculiar, strange, unconventional, unorthodox, unusual, wacky, way-out, weird.”

I hope she meant quirky in a good way.

So, what do you think? Me … quirky?

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