Restorative Yoga, April 8 at Harmony Yoga

Pam/ March 30, 2011/ Around Ann Arbor, Yoga

Simply put, restorative yoga focuses on relaxing the body in restful poses, usually well supported by props (blankets, bolsters, blocks, straps) and held for several minutes. Restorative classes are usually very relaxing and are a good complement to your current yoga practice. Because these are restful poses, the body has an opportunity to renew and heal. Countless studies have proven

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Ann Arbor Women Artist Opening Reception

Pam/ March 30, 2011/ Around Ann Arbor, Art

This Friday, April 1, is the opening reception for this year’s AAWA juried show. The exhibit will hang for about a month at the Ann Arbor Public Library. The reception will be there from 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM. It’s fun to hear the juror point out things about the entries and announce the winners. I’ll be there … feel

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Meals Alone

Pam/ March 29, 2011/ Books, Random Thoughts

I very much liked “Out Stealing Horses” by Per Petterson, a book in which I found several quotes that resonated with me. The main character has his own set of rules. I have some of my own “Pam Rules”, part of my personal code, that come in really handy when I’m out of sorts or in a place where I

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Pam/ March 26, 2011/ Books, Random Thoughts

Here’s another line from “Out Stealing Horses” by Per Petterson (page 167) “I wonder whether that is how we get after living alone for a long time, that in the middle of a train of thought we start talking out loud, that the difference between talking and not talking is slowly wiped out, that the unending, inner conversation we carry

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Pam/ March 25, 2011/ Books, Random Thoughts

Over the last many, many months I’ve been really thinking about friendships, relationships, how well I know other people and how well others know me. I thought this passage from “Out Stealing Horses” by Per Petterson summed things up nicely. “People like it when you tell them things, in suitable portions, in a modest, intimate tone, and they think they

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Free Yoga

Pam/ March 20, 2011/ Yoga

The last Friday of each month The Yoga Space has an evening of free yoga. Nice way to give back to the community and for those yogis (or want-to-be yogis) to check out the studio. I’ll be teaching the free class this Friday, March 25 from 6-7 PM at The Yoga Space, 180 Little Lake Drive on the west side

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