Meals Alone

I very much liked “Out Stealing Horses” by Per Petterson, a book in which I found several quotes that resonated with me. The main character has his own set of rules. I have some of my own “Pam Rules”, part of my personal code, that come in really handy when I’m out of sorts or in a place where I feel stuck or unsure. Here’s one of the quotes from the book and some thoughts.

“It is important not to be careless about supper when you are alone. It is easily done, boring as it is to cook for one person only. There must be potatoes, sauce and green vegetables, a napkin and a clean glass and the candles lit on the table and no sitting down in your working clothes.”

I certainly can relate … it is so easy to be careless about supper when you are alone. It *is* boring to cook for one person. There’s always more food than one serving. In the book, the character, Trond, has a dog, who gets the leftovers. People are always telling me I should freeze the leftovers and eat them later. Just can’t seem to get into the swing of that. I don’t always have potatoes, sauce or green veggies. Several years ago I started using cloth napkins, more as an environmental decision than anything else. I never have candles and I hardly ever eat at the table anymore. Most of the time I eat in front of the TV, sometimes the computer. Sometimes I’m in my work clothes, other times in my yoga clothes and even, some days, in my pjs.

Even though I’m not following his standards, I certainly have my own set of rules I try to follow to keep me healthy and happy. What are some of your personal guidelines?

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