Ten Commandments – What are they?

Pam/ October 31, 2008/ Random Thoughts

At lunch last week the topic landed on the Ten Commandments. Not sure how we got there but two topics came up. First, most of the Ten Commandments are things you should NOT do. Secondly, we couldn’t remember them all. The best we could do was seven out of ten. How about you? How many can you name from memory?

Yoga Banned in Schools

Pam/ October 30, 2008/ Yoga

A while back I read a newspaper article about some schools banning yoga. Some of the parents saw yoga as a religion and therefore not appropriate in the schools (church and state!). The teachers were using yogic relaxation techniques to help quell the nervousness in students before exams. Some of my lunchmates had also read the story and asked me

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Pam/ October 9, 2008/ Random Thoughts

Seems these days there’s a lot more public profanity. Or, maybe I just notice it more. Or, maybe it bugs me more as I get older. Anyway, I ran across a quote the other day that summed it up for me. It wasn’t attributed to anyone so I don’t know who to give credit to. “Profanity is the common crutch

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Some Words of Wisdom

Pam/ October 8, 2008/ Yoga

I had several mantras over the last month or two while preparing for assessment. Throughout the weekend I directed my attention to them, to those words of wisdom I had received, to help quiet my mind … to especially quiet the doubts floating up. Here are a few of the quotes that helped me through. “Just do your best.” Sara

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Another Quote

Pam/ October 8, 2008/ Blogroll, Yoga

Here’s another quote from my assessment journal. “If you’re able to be yourself, then you have no competition. All you have to do is get closer and closer to that essence”. Barbara Cook. I don’t know who Barbara Cook is, but she could be a yogi. That’s what this yogic journey is about … it’s about self realization, about finding

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Pam/ October 6, 2008/ Books

I ran across this in the journal I’ve been keeping this year. Bev gave me this journal for my birthday and I’ve been using it to record my thoughts, fears, and ideas about assessment. Here’s the quote on the page the day I traveled to Pittsburgh. “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.”

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I Passed!

Pam/ October 6, 2008/ Yoga

I passed the first step to becoming a certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher over the weekend in Pittsburgh. Along with eight other candidates, I went through a three-part two-day test. Phew! We were a bundle of nerves! The anxiety was palpable at the candidates meeting … and before in the morning open studio time. We all got through it. In fact,

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Assessment Here I Come!

Pam/ October 1, 2008/ Travel, Yoga

Tomorrow I take off for Pittsburgh where I will take the first step to becoming a certified yoga teacher. After I pass this level I have another assessment (either this time next year or the year after) to be officially certified. I feel prepared, strong, and supported for the three part/two-day test. I especially feel supported. Sunday night I realized

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