Assessment Here I Come!

Tomorrow I take off for Pittsburgh where I will take the first step to becoming a certified yoga teacher. After I pass this level I have another assessment (either this time next year or the year after) to be officially certified. I feel prepared, strong, and supported for the three part/two-day test.

I especially feel supported. Sunday night I realized I feel like that Verizon guy on the commercials with ‘his network’ behind him. I feel like I’ve got my network of support behind me: my family, the love of my life, my students, coworkers, friends, and especially the Advanced Yoga Posse. The posse has been coming to my dining room for two years, doing yoga with me, giving me feedback and becoming an even more ‘advanced’ yoga posse. They let me try out poses, sequences, and instructions that sometimes get a physical response and other times get burst of laughter. I’m looking forward to more of those yoga laughs.

More when I get back from Pittsburgh.

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