Hitchhike Point

About this time last year I was preparing for my first 5K. Using RunKeeper.com I plotted routes, checked my pedometer to the calculated mileage on RunKeeper, and got accustom to walking more than three miles. There was often a point in my walk I called the “hitchhike point”. It’s that point where I was plum tuckered out and really wanted to stick my thumb out for a ride home.

Today, for the first time this season, I walked that same route from last year and to my surprise, the hitchhike point never came. I was tired, sure, and hot, especially on an 83 degree sunny day, but I never wanted to hitch a ride.

This is day 20 out of the last 21 I’ve walked. My goal for the month of March was to walk every day at least a mile, preferably outside. Last year’s goal was 40 miles per month and I think I made that goal only once. I’m on track to hit 40 this month with just under 33 with today’s outing.

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