10 enero – Small Successes

Pam/ January 11, 2012/ Uncategorized

I got online at Vida Verde today and caught up a bit. Unlikely that I will haul my computer with me every day so the updates will become less frequent. I’m navigating fine through the city, albeit in a small. Close to the school and host family home neighborhood. I haven’t made it to any of the suggested attractions yet.

I did get to the post office today. It was one of those moments of hilarity for me. I asked Martha where the post office was on the map and successfully navigated myself there. Standing on the corner for about five minutes, I looked down the street left, down the street right, across the street and just couldn’t see it. I looked for a flag, wondered what the words “post office” would be in Spanish, and just when I thought I might give up, I turned around and there it was, behind me. I laughed out loud. Big success … still having my sense of humor!

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