Rain Forest, 3 October

Pam/ October 31, 2007/ Travel

We left the beach after breakfast and headed towards Fajardo, just to check it out. We found our way to the place the ferries leave for the islands of Viegas and Culebra. We had recommendations for both. Maybe next time we go back we’ll venture out there.

We carried on towards the rain forest, stopping in a small downtown. We couldn’t find a place for lunch so we went further south to a slightly bigger town and found Strip Mall City, USA. We lunched at Chili’s.

Our car climbed the mountain for 15 minutes going deeper and deeper (and higher and higher) into the rain forest. It appears that the dwellings hang off the sides of the mountains- the view from our room is great. It is solid green from top to bottom. It smells great. Something growing has a beautiful perfume. The sound of the coqui, the tree frogs, is LOUD!

We got checked in by a guy named Dave who showed us the honor bar, the breakfast room and our room. It’s way cool here – and it’s just a world away from the beach, civilization, and everything familiar. I feel like I’m on “Survivor” (minus the challenges and the starvation).

It was close to dark so we went for a short hike to the waterfall that is quite close. Daniel fell on the path. Then her climbed out on the rocks in the middle of the river and fell, cracking the UV Filter on the camera. Then, back on the path, he stepped on some foliage actually off the path covering a hole. His whole body fell in like a sort of a sink hole. We spent the rest of the night playing cards while he iced his finger, forearm, and knees.

Copy/paste this link into your browser to view the pics from the Rain Forest

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