Rain Forest, 4 October
We had a lovely breakfast at Casa Cubuy, the EcoLodge in the rain forest, El Yunque, of fresh fruit, scrambled eggs and dsome sort of potatoes. I especially enjoyed the fruit.
After the morning rain shower Daniel and I set off on a hike. There’s a guy here, Rex, who suggested a hike over on river, to another, then to a swimming hole.
Mostly I was terrified and that fear paralyzed me quite a few moments. We decided instead of trying to cross the river on the slippery rocks we would wade through the water. (Lucky I wore my bathing suit). The water was about waist high. The path to and after the river was pretty rough, mostly of rocks that were wet and slippery from the morning rain. After I got over getting dirty, I just sat on racks to get over them, using my hands and arms to help move me along. Once across the first river, the path was pretty easy. Daniel fell, whole body straight down again, in one of those sink holes at the side of the path. Sheesh that’s scary.
We got to the second falls and got out on to some rocks in the middle of the river when it started to rain. We waited in the forest under the canopy for a short while and then decided to go back. We were soaked to the skin, again.
Nor more than 20 minutes after we got back we could see the waterfall (the river we had just crossed) from the EcoLodge. It had turned into a raging falls of brown run off covering the rocks. The sound increased in volume in proportion to the water volume. Caught in the river we would have been swept away. It rained hard for some time. So hard, in fact, that the road to the highway at the bottom of the mountain was closed because it was covered in water. So, we took a different rout to Chili’s for dinner.