Random Thoughts – Communicating by whistles and honks

Pam/ January 13, 2012/ Random Thoughts, Travel

While on the coast I observed, or rather heard, the men on the street whistle to each other. They communicate with each other, whether it be a greeting or a way to get someone’s attention so they can have a conversation or do business, for example, to hail the moto-taxi or give someone a lead on a tourista needing some service.

Although there are fewer whistlers in Quito (it’s just so loud here with noise pollution) drivers communicate by honking their horns. There are the “Hey, get it moving” honks, there are the “Hey, I’m passing you” honks, the “I’m entering traffic and I’m letting you know”, the “hey, I’m right here next to/behind you” honks, and the “Yep, I see you’re crossing street” honks.

At one point today I got to my limit of noise. I just had to come back to home base, close my eyes and plug my ears for a while.

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1 Comment

  1. In Pune people honk for the same reasons as in Quito — they honk all the time!

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