Random Thoughts – I feel like a giant

Pam/ January 13, 2012/ Random Thoughts, Travel

At a little taller than 5’7”, I’m on the tall side for an American woman. Here, in Ecuador, I feel like a giant. I’m taller than all of the women and almost all the men, sometimes a whole head taller. In the US, I’m used to being taller than a good number of woman but to tower over the men is a different feeling. I already feel like I stand out. I don’t have a tanned face, jet black hair, or speak Spanish and being taller than a whole bus load of smaller people adds to my “Oh, she must be a gringo” look and feel.

There are times at home when I see someone unusually tall I think to myself “Wow. That woman is tall!” I wonder anyone here has thought that about me. I sure have!

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