30 enero – Mindo Canopy Adventure

I bought a ticket yesterday for the Mindo Canopy Adventure – the zip line through the tops of the trees. I did this after a bit of research, first on the company website, second asking a seasoned friend for advice, and lastly, chatting with the saleswoman in the office in the center of town. I paid my $10 when my courage was at an all time high. Being suspended hundreds of feet in the air unprotected didn’t seem that appealing.

We got to the zip line area right as a grande groupo of Canadians was taking off. The guy in charge dressed me in my harness, helmet and gloves and sent me in the direction of the first platform. After watching the 15 Canadians get sent off, it was my turn. Francisco, Barbara’s brother-in-law, was also harnessed in for the ride and he translated the instructions, even though the advertising (in really big letters) said “We Speak English”.

Clink, clink … my carabineers were hooked to the wire and the guide told me to hang on with two hands, lean my head away from the wire, bend my knees in a seated position and cross my shins. Then he let me go. The view is amazing – BONITA – and the fear level was pretty high the first couple of times. After that, it was more the speed at which I approached the landing. And they’ve got the braking system figured out, so after awhile I just enjoyed the ride and didn’t worry so much about the landing.

At one point, the guides offered to let us ride upside down or in the “Superwoman” position. I opted for “Superwoman”, where the carabineers are hooked on the back of the harness, arms out front, and my legs wrapped around the waist of the guide behind me. And out into the canopy we went.

All and all, it was fun and not nearly as terrifying as I thought it might be.

2 Responses to “30 enero – Mindo Canopy Adventure”

  1. Elizabeth A says:

    Glad to hear that all is well. We did not have a good experience with zip lines in Costa Rica.

  2. Carrie says:

    So glad you had fun! Superwoman style no less! Congratulations on overcoming your fears!