Random Thoughts – Panama Hats

Panama hats are made in Ecuador, specifically Cuenca and the surrounding areas. In the 19th and early 20th century, South American goods were shipped around the world via Panama, and they got the name “Panama Hats”. Many famous people have worn Panama hats including President Theodore Roosevelt, Napoleon, Edward VII, Jason Mraz, Sean Connery, and Anthony Hopkins. And, they are worn throughout Ecuador. This country and culture loves hats (or as they call them “sombreros”). All kinds are worn by men, women and children. Not only for the style, but also for function. The sun is strong here and wearing a hat is almost mandatory if you’re outside a lot.

The hats are still handmade. People make them in their homes and then send them to a “factory” for finishing. There’s a variety of styles and quality. The more expensive hats have a finer weave and can take many months to make and cost hundreds or even more than a $1,000.

One Response to “Random Thoughts – Panama Hats”

  1. Gail says:

    I saw the photos–the hats are wonderful and very smart looking!