New Year’s Resolutions

Pam/ January 10, 2010/ Random Thoughts

I have my own new year’s resolutions (writing this blog is one of them … yikes it’s been a long time) and when talking and reading about new year’s resolutions there seems to be a couple of approaches.

First, new year’s resolutions “are cheesy”. That was the declaration from one of my friends at the New Year’s Eve party I attended.

Second, the secret new year’s resolutions. Either people weren’t sharing or they were keeping them secret.

Third, the “why-does-it-need-to-be-a-beginning-of-the-year” to make an improvement. Partially, I feel this way. I “resolved” to get more cardio exercise back in August. Since then, I’ve been walking several times a week on a regular basis. They call this in the coaching biz “readiness for change”. I was ready. I made a commitment. And, it’s stuck. I “re-resolved” to carry on my walking schedule at the end of 2009/beginning of 2010, so it’s counting as one of my new year’s resolutions. Does getting a head start count as cheating?

Fourth, the new year is a time to just start fresh. Reassess. Shed the old, start the new. And, for some of us who don’t have that “resolve” other times of the year might make and effort at the beginning of the calendar year (or school year, or season). It might kick us into the “readiness to change” mode. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Whether they are secret or not!

Happy New Year!

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  1. Welcome back to the blogosphere!

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