Parvati Hill

Pam/ October 23, 2017/ India, Travel

“Hill stairs” was a new term for me. It means just what you might think: a hill (or slope) with an occasional stair. To get to the top of Parvati Hill there are 103 of these stairs each separated by a slope of about five or six paces. So, the entire time you are going up (or down as the

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White Faces Among Brown Faces

Pam/ October 23, 2017/ India, Travel

We are an anomaly here and get looked at, especially when we are in public places where there are mostly local people. Yesterday Lorene and I visited Parvati Hill (next blog post) and were approached by two groups asking to have our photos taken with them. One group consisted of seven or eight 18 year old girls who were shy

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Class Fifteen

Pam/ October 23, 2017/ India, Yoga

One of Prashant’s raps today was “the breath for the body, the breath for the mind, the breath for the breath, the body for the breath.” It felt more like a riddle today, an infinity loop doubling back on itself. His message has been consistent in encouraging us to not do the perfect pose but to learn from the poses

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School of Agriculture

Pam/ October 21, 2017/ India

Across “the busy street” is the School of Agriculture. Once through the gates it is almost immediately quiet. The tree lined road is cool and shady and just after the entrance there is a sweet smell of something blooming I cannot place. The song of the birds can be heard. The air seems fresher. It is common to see people

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Laxmi Road

Pam/ October 21, 2017/ India, Travel

Four of us, Maggie, Lally, Lorene and I, went to Laxmi Road today, a renowned shopping area in the center of Pune. A short 50 rupee auto rickshaw ride delivered us into a mass of humanity and shops. It was crowded, not a Western face in the mix, in the street and in the shops. We ducked into one of

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Happy Diwali

Pam/ October 20, 2017/ India, Travel

Since about Tuesday people have been wishing each other Happy Diwali. For a week or more the shops have been selling lights and candles. There has been a festive mood in the air. And every night fireworks have been going off in the neighborhood. Diwali is India’s Festival of Lights, a time when people come together to celebrate good conquering

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Pam/ October 19, 2017/ India, Travel

Carved out of the vertical face of the Charanandri Hills between the sixth and tenth centuries these “caves” are awe inspiring and magnificent. Some are in complete and others are filled with carving, benches, and temples. There are thirty-four caves in all; 12 Buddhist, 17 Hindu, and five Jain. Each is numbered, some have a short explanation, and all of

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The Five Senses – Sight

Pam/ October 17, 2017/ India, Random Thoughts

I thought I would write some of my general impressions of India through the lens of the senses. There are so many differences between this country and mine. I think what I see shows me some of the major differences. There are people everywhere. India is the seventh largest country by area, second most populous county and the most populous

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The Five Senses – Touch

Pam/ October 17, 2017/ India, Random Thoughts

I thought I would write some of my general impressions of India through the lens of the senses. There are so many differences between this country and mine. Here are some of the things I have felt. First, the heat. I know I am not very heat tolerant so I knew being in India where the low might get to

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The Five Senses – Sound

Pam/ October 17, 2017/ India, Random Thoughts

I thought I would write some of my general impressions of India through the lens of the senses. There are so many differences between this country and mine. Here are some of the things I have heard. The most prominent sound in India is the traffic. Not just the roar of the engines, but the honking. Loud long beeps from

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