Class Eight

Prashant was alternately stern and a jokester today. He continued the instruction of “more and more and more and more exhalation” in poses that were obviously in preparation for backbends. He joked, even once it was a pun/play on words, sometimes not in English so only the locals could understand, with a twinkle in his eye like his father and a grin. Even when the joke’s not in English the smiles and laughter contribute to a light hearted, fun environment.

The emphasis was on concave back in the poses, head back, looking back (unless contraindicated for eye, thyroid issues), and to use the exhalation to carve out the back, or suck it in, like an udyana exhalation. The rap of the day? “Suck, inhale. Suck, exhale. Suck, retain.” Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Again, groups of practitioners cycled through three stations; rope wall, at the window wall and in the middle of the room on the mat. Seventy-five minutes went by before we got to ustrasana. Here’s what I remember of the sequence.

Group on the rope wall in rope bhujangasana (a common theme in most classes)

Group on the window wall in rope downward facing dog (another common theme)

Group on the mat in downward facing dog

Swastikasana, lean slightly back, open chest. Look up and back. Exhale more and more and more.

Padmasana, lean slightly back, open chest. Look up and back. Exhale more and more and more.

Upa vista konasana, lean slightly back, open chest. Look up and back. Exhale more and more and more.

Upa vista konasana, turned over the right leg, belt around foot, lean slightly back, open chest. Look up and back. Exhale more and more and more.

Upa vista konasana, turned over the left leg, belt around foot, lean slightly back, open chest. Look up and back. Exhale more and more and more.

Janusirsasana, sit straight, concave back. Bend slightly forward, concave back

Rope wall bjuangasana from elbows

Squat, buttocks to wall, feet under knees, hang from elbows

Window wall, uttitha padangustasana, parsva



Parsva danurasana


Rope purvottasana

Salamba Sarvangasana


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