Class Two

There were more people in class today. I took a mat closer to the center but after chanting the invocation, I was never on it again.

Immediately Prashant broke us into groups, all the men on a mat in downward facing dog, a group of women at the rope wall hanging on with arms behind, and another group in rope downward facing dog. It took a while to cycle through all the groups, given the number of people and the limited wall space.

Once the women cycled through (about 30 minutes) Prashant had us sit and gave a 15 minute lecture. Truth be told, his entire two hour class is a lecture and you just happen to be doing yoga poses most of the time. (He would likely take exception to this description because you don’t just do a yoga pose). There were two other times when he talked with us just sitting for maybe five minutes at a time. He was more short tempered today, admonishing us for being too slow to move and get into the poses.

Today he talked more about the breath focusing more on the exhalation than the inhalation. He spoke briefly about graphic breathing (which I love) and about being happy no matter our circumstances.

Here’s what I remember of the sequence:

Rope Adho Mukha Svanasana to uttanasana

With arms behind, hang from the rope wall

Adho Mukha Svanasana on the mat

Trikonasana on the mat (while the men cycled through the three poses above)

Parsvakonasana to Trikonasana on the mat

Parsvakonasana to Trikonasana with rope support for the upper hand

Virabhadrasana II to Trikonasana on the mat

Rope sirsasana

Supta padangustasana I, II

Choice of either vipariti karani, block setbandha, or sarvangasana



Savasana was non-existent yesterday and was almost an after thought today. He said something like “Take savasana. Find a place and take savasana.” And then, shortly after that, he quietly said “Roll to your right side. Sit up. Clean the hall.”

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