Closing Ceremony

The whole group gathered in one of the meeting rooms for the closing ceremony. Jennie thanked the volunteers for their tireless work. This was nicely planned and executed and they deserve a huge pat on the back. The president of IYNAUS gave the annual award to Patricia Walden for her dedication to volunteerism. She’s a lovely woman and an extremely dedicated practitioner.

One yogi who is a poet got up and read three poems: Tadasana, Trikonasana, and Savasana. They were all terrific. I don’t like or “get” poetry and I loved all three of these. Saturday night she wrote a performance poem capturing her reflections of the conference. She called three of others up on stage and they performed the piece, which got several laughs. It was quite a treat.

We chanted a couple of chants (one sutra and then a chant to our guru) to finish the conference.

I’m so glad I attended and am already thinking about going to the next one in Washington DC in May.

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