Peter Turnley (again)

Pam/ April 2, 2008/ Photography

Turns out Peter Turnley is an artist in residence at the U of M Residential College during the winter semester. So, that’s why he’s in town. He is speaking again next week on Tuesday, April 8.

His talk this time is in connection with the fifth anniversary of the war in Iraq. His public lecture is entitled “Iraq Uncensored: Images from US-led wars in 1991 and 2003”. After his lecture, there will be a discussion about the war led by Charles Bright, a professor of history.

If you’re interested in attending, the lecture is free and open to the public. It starts at 7:00 PM and is at the East Quadrangle Residential Building in room 126. That’s at 701 E. University Ave in Ann Arbor.

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