Rivière Subterraine de Labouiche, 7 Sept
We headed towards Foix for the Rivière Subterraine de Labouiche, an underground river. The 75 minute boat trip covers a mile going past weirdly shaped stalaclites and stalagmites. We changed boats twice; going further and further underground each time. The deepest cave was about 60 meters. The water, not very deep, is at 11 degrees c and the air temp is 13 degrees c year round. The guide gave info in both French and English; which was nice. All the while he was giving tidbits about the cave, he pulled the boat along through the caves by grabbing a cable mounted on the walls of the cave. Expertly he guided the boat; ducking or sitting when the cave ceiling was low. This was a great stop. It was weird, scary, exciting, interesting, and extremely unique. We have never done anything like this in our travels.
For dessert tonight we had a terrific pastry. It was a puff sort of thing covered in chocolate filled with a mocca or chocolate mousse. Tres manufique!