Panacea de la Montana

The cab driver of the cab I hopped into didn’t know Panacea de la Montana and had to call for directions. This place was recommended to me by two of my yoga students. The place is a good 10 minutes up the hill from Tamarindo, away from the high energy, wind and heat. Mary, the proprietor, was kind enough to show me around even though she was on vacation and I dropped in unannounced. Not like me to not make an appointment. I wasn’t sure I could even get there much less set a day and time.

The place is beautiful, with six cabinas, the uppermost ones with an even more gorgeous view than the lower one. There is place for yoga, an open air dining area and a pool the looks like it spills off the edge of the mountain. Mary teaches yoga so she has enough mats, blocks, straps,a d blankets for a dozen people. The all vegetarian meals are made on site. Mary says the food there is better than any of the restaurants in Tamarindo. They shuttle people to town in the afternoons for those who want to go. It is a nice set-up.

They were going to town and were kind enough to give me a ride. I was grateful for that, since there was really no way I could have walked down and no way I could have called a cab.

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