2 febrero – Guayasamin Museum in Quito

Pam/ February 2, 2012/ Art, Travel

Many of the guidebooks recommend the Guayasamin Museum. Oswaldo Guayasamin was a famous Ecuadorian artist. The museum includes quite a number of his paintings as well as some of his sketches. He has a distinctive style and I’d seen some of his work on posters around town previous to my visit. There is also a collection of pre-Columbian art, including some really beautiful bowls.

It was nice to sit in the gallery and look at art today. I hadn’t been in this particular part of town and the route home took me through a little piece of Parque Metropolitano. I managed the bus most of the way there (took a taxi the last bit since I didn’t know where it was) and got the bus all the way back to the Swiss Hotel.

I still feel the elevation. The walk from the bus stop is all uphill and although I feel like I’m expending lots of energy, when I check my velocity it’s barely registering!

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